Thursday 6 November 2008

Thriller analysis conclusion

Overall, from my analysis of the 5 thriller opening titles i have a better understanding of what i need to incorperate in my coursework. It is clear that through aspects of the mise en scene, camera, sound and editing that alot is established with the first few minutes. Narrative, for example is very much reinforced by certain props or colours ie. the use of red is very common and appears throughout the examples as it connotes danger and death. These themes are very common in thrillers and are also estabilshed through music which is often atomospheric and sinister and also parralel to the narrative of the film. The choice of camera angles is also important, the film 'Se7en' for example uses alot of extreme close ups showing in great detail the props and hands of the supposed villain. In contrast, the film 'Hostage' uses alot more long shots and low angles to make the city seem larger and more threatning. Both these techniques are effective in establishing the genre and narrative of a thriller.I feel the combination of music and editing is also very important as in many cases the two work together i.e as the music pace increases to reach a creshendo as it does in 'Casino Royale' the editing pace quickens which increases tension and reflects the fast paced narrative of thrillers.

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