Thursday, 6 November 2008

Cape Fear Analysis

Film Title:Cape Fear
Director:Martin Scorsese
Title Designer:Saul & Elaine Bass

Camera – distance, angle, movement…

The camera moves very little, the shots are mainly close ups of the surface of the water and an extreme close up of a human eye is also used. The mid shot of the silouete of a man creates a sinister feel and reinforces narrative as it suggests he is the villain whilst hiding his identity as only his torso is seen.

Editing- speed, style...

The editing is very slow paced, dissolving is mainly used as images appear and dissapear in the water.

Sound – effects, musical score…

The music used is very dramatic classical music and typical of a thriller film. It strengthens the sinsiter tone and is parralel with the scene as the images of the human eye wide in fear and the dark silouete all connote danger.

Mise-en-scene – props, costume, setting, lighting, colour…

The colours used are mainly black and red, red connotng danger and blood and black making the sequence more mysterious and dark. The lighting is also very dark and the water appears almost black and very shadowy. The setting appears sinister although it is not obvious as very little other than the surface of a lake is seen. The eagle, eye and figure all reinforce the danger particualry the eye and it suggests fear.

Special Effects – CGI, animation…

Images are imposed onto the water and made to appear as if they are floating beneath it.

Titles – font, colour, placement, over black / over clip…

The titles appear over the clip on the water. They are bold and quite large in very ridged font.They are quite typical of a thriller film as they appear to be quite harsh against the backdrop.

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