During this lesson we watched all our final cuts and peer evaluated them. Our teacher went through each of our grades, what we did well and how our work could have been improved. Each group gave feedback about the other openings in ordert o help write our over all evaluation.

+ good tilt shot
- last 10 seconds wasnt as smooth, in terms of editing
+ good pov shot
+ music was alot better and much more engaging
+ pace of editing with music and narrative worked really well,editing was generally really good.
- narrative was a little slow and not engaging
+ effective tilt
+ smooth transitions
+ good variety of shots- keeps audience engaged
+ good choice of location
- font of titles could have been better
+ steady camera work
Furthermore, we set up a group on facebook where people can watch our thriller and give feedback. This will be very helpfull, as people from all differetn age groups will have access and it will enable us to assess if we out opening apeals to our intended target audience, helping us evaluate ourselves effciently.
Tracker facebook group
Overall, i am very pleased with the feedback we have received so far. I feel we improved significantly from our rough cut and although our end product was not how we initially planned in our animatic, i think it is effective in egaging and attracting the our target audience. It fits the codes and conventions of typical thrillers and is on the whole, of a good standard. I fell our strongest aspect is the camera work, it is staedy throughout with a good choice of shots however it is clear the last 10 seconds are not as strong as the rest of the piece. As an individual, i feel i have made significant progress since beginning this coursework. My knowledge of the camera equipment has improved vastly as well as my organisation and production skills, in particular storyboarding. I also feel i have aquired more skills in editing, sound and directing.